This application manages the fuel economy of your automobile.
-It is fast, can input easily.
-It can input travel distance, with whichever of the odometer and trip meters.
-Because it can sort and edit the data, you can insert the data after days.
-When being a full tank oil supply, if travel distance is not inserted, the next full tank oil supply (travel distance there to be,) time, fuel economy calculation is done.
-You can look at the change of fuel economy in the graph.
-You can look at statistics data.
-You can tweet in latest fuel economy data.
-The data can be transmitted with the email.
- The data can be imported.
It is possible to load the data which were transmitted from FuelRec with the mail.
Because the attachment file is CSV format, it is possible to edit with Excel and the like, (as for character code it is UTF-8,).
-It is possible to handle up to the data of 5 cars.
-The image can set to every car.
-It can choose miles/km, gallons/liters.
-Inside application, it can search #FuelRec on twitter.
-You can quickly register just the mileage on your Apple Watch, and then slowly register the amount of gas and the cost later on your iPhone.Its convenient to register it as a widget.